Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Bottling Cask

About 30 min. behind schedule, today we bottle the 2002 Cask Cab Sauv. 30 min. ain't bad--usually we're an hour or two. Looks to be a great wine.

Monday, March 21, 2005

10 till...

Ten minutes till I leave and go home. There is something pleasing in the geometry, or perhaps geology, of the previous sentence. A nice visual flow to it.

The Early Life of Lou Sue. A short novel on the vagarcies of life in 2005.

It is curious, what is the final form of our existence? If we are a part of something bigger, what is it, but entropy debates Aristotle, doesn't it? Name of a band or a novel, "Entropy Debates Aristotle". But maybe they are complimentary insteads of opposites. If we never know the final function of an option, it is made of a set of functions, than how do you clasify the superset? Is entropy a mere device of the universe to discritiate functions from forms--meaning create time (equal to action equal to function/ing).

Much to ponder while I'm driving home, but I'll be listening to Atonement instead (good novel, maybe even great).

Friday, March 11, 2005

Blog Skins


Is it bad to blog yourself?

Could this be a good way to keep my memory?

Park Site

Wildflower Hotline

The Bloomin' Desert

Death valley alive: