Jbird hit a bird
Driving in this morning I hit a hawk, probably a red tail, with my truck. The damn thing just swooped down to the right, passing over me, then came back low over the road, probably to catch something, and my grill winged it good. I stopped right after and ran back to take a look. It was flopping on the side of the road, stunned. I grabbed some gloves out of the truck, picked it up then wrapped it up in a towel. It didn't move at all during the next 1/2 hour drive into work. I found out who took care of injured birds in Napa and brought it in--I'll call in a bit to see if it is OK--I hit it hard, though, I must have been going at least 40-50 MPH.
I'm proud that you stopped. Don't forget the Stephen King story where the run over animals begin stalking because their deaths were not honored. NC
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